Saturday, 20 September 2014

Zero Degrees of Separation

The common theme throughout all of my interviews with the homeless is how we can all relate to the life-crisis that took their lives down to street level......bringing a whole new meaning to curb crawling. I have now developed the habit of focusing on what is on my peripheral vision - the marginal are to be found on the curb margins. You wont find them front and centre bussling in and out of shops, banks and local restaurants - they are more likely to be below eye line on the curbs of these lofty establishments - and just like their positions, their stories will be equally humbling and down-to-earth!

I entitled this blog - 'Zero Degrees of Separation', because there is really nothing separating us from the homeless - other than our pride, judgement, imagination and trappings.

I'll give you my own 'Summer Story' as illustration - and hopefully you'll recognise the slim balance that may have so far prevented the rest of us joining this stigmatised population. I found it necessary to temp this Summer because I was planning to commence an MSc programme at The London School of Economics this Autumn - I just needed a filler in order to pay the bills - how often have we all experienced that!

I took my optimistic self together with impressive C.V. detailing my equally impressive professional employment history, along to Bond Williams Recruitment Agency. "Yes" they said, "we can surely place you - we have so many positions to fill this Summer, especially for such a one as you - who presents so favourably." By and by, I received that all fated phone call "We have a position paying an excellent rate with a prestigious law firm in Blanford; the only requirement is that you have a car to get you there - because it is of course in the next town". Silly me went out a purchased all I could afford at the time for £500. Within a week of the job I witnessed the firm's short-listing conversation for a permanent legal secretary. I thought nothing of it - because I was assured this was a long-term contract to last until October. Indeed it met all of my requirements of a 'Summer-job-filler' and hence I committed to it in the first place. Of course by now you've guessed - I received a late Sunday afternoon call from Bond Williams telling me that my 'fill in' services were no longer required! Under much protestation I was assured that "it was nothing personal - rather the nature of temporary employment".

This all happened mid-July and toppled my finances for the rest of the Summer. I have recovered through the kindness and support of friends and family. I refused to claim benefit and it was hence a very rough ride. It could have so easily resulted in homelessness - and I am sure we can all tell similar stories - of ourselves, our friends, our siblings, parents or children. The World is still on the slopes of a major recession and the casualties are indiscriminate.

Apart from financial crisis - many of the homeless that I have spoken to testify of emotional crisis like bereavement or significant relationship break-ups. We have all experience them, to various degrees, as well. Some of us come through - some of us fall prey; it's a fact of life. Are you willing to wave off your teenage son knowing that the streets could crop up as a very real option for him? Does it bother you that it suits the government to stigmatise and marginalise the homeless like 'foreign bodies' to be eradicated? It bothers me and many other paying residents of Britain. Housing our homeless should be a matter of National Pride; We should be proud to claim that - as British - homelessness is classed as a Human Rights issue - the right to safe, adequate shelter as a basic human need.

Zero degree of separation should therefore translate to zero degree of tolerance for any forms of demonisation and marginalisation of the homeless among us.

Lets provide a basic level of Winter shelter: You can sign my petition by clicking here.

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