Call To Action!
I've started the petition "Bournemouth Council: Open back the St Paul's Lane £3 per night Homeless Shelter" and need your help to get it off the ground.
Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now?
Here's why it's important:
As Winter is approaching the local Bournemouth homeless have no options for getting off the streets for the night. Furthermore Bournemouth Council have invested in a 'Kindness Kills' Campaign warning local residents not to give money directly to the homeless - claiming that it can encourage their addictions and destitute lifestyle. Instead the Council advises people to give via a text number connected to the Council. If the Council are now directly collecting public funds to help the homeless as they claim, they have every reason to act responsibly and open back up the homeless shelter that they have recently closed. They have provided no alternative emergency shelter options. Many of the street homeless are also denied any benefits or inclusion on housing lists because they are being deemed to have 'no local connection'. If for example you have been moved around as a foster child and don't have relatives, or a job etc. in the area, you are permanently denied assistance. Not all homeless substance abuse, all homeless need shelter as human beings.
You can sign my petition by clicking here.
Bourne Homeless
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