Monday, 11 August 2014

Why Bourne Homeless?

I write this blog out of outrage!

Bournemouth's/The UK's/The World's homelessness issues have always bothered me, but none so much as recently released government directives to 'wannabe good-Samaritans'. Directives which out-and-out state that you should never give to the homeless street beggar - lest you encourage him/her in their 'chosen career'.

Now local government (namely Dorset County) has invested in what can only be called a hate campaign against the homeless-amongst-us. They feel so bold and entitled to tell 'good citizens' never to give to the homeless for fear that it will encourage them to repeat the pattern of curb-warming. Posters have been issued that claim that the majority of homeless beggars are drug addicts, alcoholics or equally depraved and that your giving simply serves as an enabler to such self-destructive and perpetuating behaviours. Like a self-fulfilling prophesy your giving arguably provides the vital missing link in the de-generation of the degenerate. Instead you are implored to give to the legit - those charities set up to assist the un-assisted. 

My angst with all of this is that - surely the government knows that people are well aware of more established ways of charitable giving; the minute percentage of ad-hoc givers are probably those who still, despite all of the negative media propaganda, feel moved to do so. I say live and let live!  Why-Oh-why has the government taken it upon themselves to jurisdict over the situation - one that has existed since the dawn of time itself? After-all, in the words of the great J C, "the poor will always be with us", right? Never a truer word spoken; He must have seen Bournemouth Councillors coming - with their malice and contempt for the poor!

Did it not occur to the government that people are already well aware of the many means of charitable giving via registered charities and opted to give out-of-pocket and out-of-the-system instead? That this is a conscious decision of the giver and not at all a bad thing? I recently challenged a senior housing officer on this very matter. Her smug - long service (long salaried), self was only too keen, eager and proud to lay claim to having been 'one of the instigators' of the new deal. She simply stated that - "many of the homeless have a problem with structure" - they simply wont engage in the system and follow the structured forms of support that the government has on offer. This of course is code for - these beggars just aren't good little citizens.

I feel sorry for you if you ever slip through this Economy's net with your backbone still intact. For if you do, you will be one of these mavericks referred to here; a structureless beggar who must be renegade to certain street-death at the hands of your local council and enforcement troops. Expect merciless-mistreatment and liberal-bullying and black-listing - all state sanctioned and state induced. For if you fail to comply with whatever is asked of you, you fail to qualify for benefits; Furthermore, if the government turns you away, no other should rescue or habour you - you are now effectively outlawed. In order for the state to develop, and maintain, this god-like authority, it must be assured that if it chooses to 'run-a-beggar-out-of-town' it sticks! God forbid you - Mr or Mrs DoGooder - mess this up with your random-acts-of-ruddy-kindness - seriously! 

The last thing the government wants is a challenge, any challenge, to it's
authority and ruling. Much like Rome, it must have 'absolute power and control of its minions'. The question is - are you die-hard do-gooders going to play ball?

My Challenge to you this week is to stop-a-beggar and hear their truth for yourself - don't judge the un-judged and pre-dispose yourself to unwarranted piety; you'll inadvertently be opting to become a tool-of-the-state and a weapon to humankind.


  1. What they are doing is awful! Thank you for shining a light on this issue!

    1. You're welcome - thanks for your feedback, if you know anything about the system of 'spiking' in London, where spikes have been installed to stop the homeless loitering - much like pigeons - please email or comment here. Apparently an old homeless lady fell and spiked her face - the Sun reported this month I believe - Stuart, featured here, told me
